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Lesson |
Title |
Main Passage |
Main Point |
1 |
Introduction to the Prophets |
The Prophets Remind God's People of His Story |
Pre-Exilic Minor Prophets |
2a |
And He Shall Be Their Peace |
Micah 5:1-6 |
God through His King will defeat His enemies and bring peace to His people |
2b |
The Gracious and Merciful God |
Jonah 1-4 |
The Promise of God has always been to the NATIONS. God lives His people in Assyria as He loves His people in Israel. |
Exilic Minor Prophets |
3a |
As The Waters Cover The Sea |
Habakkuk 2:6-20 |
God will fulfill all of His promises to bring peace to the earth. |
3b |
The LORD is in Your Midst |
Zephaniah 3:14-20 |
Who is this King of Israel, the LORD? It is none other than the final and future seed of David, the promised seed, King Jesus. |
Isaiah |
4a |
For Unto Us A Child Is Born |
Isaiah 9:1-7 |
A divine child shall come who will set all things straight |
4b |
The Return of the Branch |
Isaiah 11:1-16 |
God will fulfill His promise by destroying His enemies, installing His King, restoring His people, and reconstituting His land. |
4c |
The LORD Has Laid on Him the Iniquity of Us All |
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 |
The King who is to come shall save His people through His own sufferings. It is through His substitutionary sufferings that His peace will come. |
4d |
The Spirit of the LORD is Upon Me |
Isaiah 61:1-4 |
The anointed of the LORD has a very distinct message of hope, healing, and wholeness with a corresponding outcome in the land. |
Jeremiah & Lamentations |
5a |
The LORD Our Righteousness |
Jeremiah 23:1-8 |
God shall bring about a SHEPHERD KING who will restore righteousness to the people and the land. |
5b |
I Will Be Their God and They Shall Be My People |
Jeremiah 31:31-40 |
God shall fulfill all His promises to the Nation by dwelling among them for their joy. |
Exiled Major Prophets |
6a |
I Myself Will Be the Shepherd of My Sheep |
Ezekiel 34:1-10 |
A day is coming when The LORD will be Israel's Shepherd. This shepherd is JESUS. |
7a |
Our God Is Able To Deliver Us |
Daniel 1,3,6 |
God calls His people to carry forward the SHEMA. To love Him above all else in a world opposed to Him. |
7b |
To Him Was Given Dominion |
Daniel 7:9-14 |
All earthly powers shall one day confess with their mouth and kneel before Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. |
Post-Exilic Minor Prophets |
8a |
They Built the Altar of the God of Israel |
Ezra 3:1-13 |
The Jews return to the place of promise that pictures for them of what is to come. They build the altar, offered sacrifices, keep the feasts, and begin building the Temple. |
9a |
The Latter Glory Of This House Shall Be Greater Than The Former |
Haggai |
God reminds the people of His promises by the rebuilding of the TEMPLE. God will fulfill for them all He gave to them in PROMISE. |
10a |
Behold, Your King is Coming to You |
Zechariah 9:9-17 |
Zechariah is all about JESUS. The One the prophet speaks of is fulfilled in Matt. 21:5. |
10b |
The LORD Will Be King over All the Earth |
Zechariah 14:1-21 |
Zechariah speaks of a time when all of God's promises will come to pass for His people. |
11a |
On That Night the King Could Not Sleep |
Esther 6:1-11 |
God will protect and exalt His people to show the Kings and kingdoms around them that although they may make plans to destroy Gods people God will raise them up. |
12a |
Ezra Opened the Book and All the People Stood |
Nehemiah 8:1-18 |
The returned people still exist in a broken world with broken hearts. Not until the NEW COVENANT is enacted in JESUS will their plight change. |
13a |
The Sun of Righteousness Shall Rise with Healing in its Wings |
Malachi 3:18-4:6 |
Malachi speaks of a time when all of God's promises will come to pass for His people. Their disobedience shall not stop from doing what He promised. |