The Bible tells us that when Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. What is the significance of this? During the lifetime of Jesus, the temple was the place where the Jewish religion required the people to make animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins. Hebrews 9:1-9 tells us that in the temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies, the place where God dwelt, from the rest of the temple. Only the high priest was allowed to enter beyond the veil, and only once a year (Exodus 30:10), to make atonement for the sins of Israel (Leviticus 16). When Jesus died on the cross and the veil was rent from top to bottom, access to God was now available to the common man. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice that fulfilled the required sacrifices once and for all. The fact that the veil was ripped from top to bottom signifies that God did it, nothing any mere human could do. The work was done solely and completely by Jesus Christ. Jesus is enough in this life and in the life to come. He is enough for our justification, but also for our sanctification (the Christian life). Those who trust in His completed work, enjoy the forgiveness of sin,unrestraint access to God, and the freedom that can only be found in Him.

Torn Veil Publications seeks to celebrate this truth and to spread this message to others through the written and spoken word. What follows are the writings of Pastor Patrick Griffiths, unless otherwise indicated. 

Grace Series

Reigning Grace The Reign of Grace and the Story of God
Reigning Grace sets forth the foundation for resting in the person of Jesus Christ and the completed work of His cross. This collection of studies seek to rectify the greatest deficiency in the Christian life, the failure to understand all that Christ is for us and all that we are in Him.
Christ Has Set Us Free Christ Has Set Us Free - 9 Words Every Christian Should Know
Study the great themes of redemption, forgiveness, propitiation, justification, guilt, imputation, reconciliation and adoption. Because of these truths, Christians are free - truly free!

Why Jesus Matters Series

Small tract-size booklets on a variety of themes regarding the Christian Life.

The Torn Veil The Torn Veil
This short tract explains the glorious truth of the temple curtain tearing from top to bottom as Jesus died on the cross.
The Empty Tomb The Empty Tomb
Resurrection . . . one word and everything changes. In this one word, God reinstates hope. This booklet explores the depths of this important topic.
Who Am I? Who Am I?
This short tract celebrates who we are in Christ according to Romans 8.
Personal Sin Personal Sin
We are forgiven forever in Christ, yet what are we to make of our ongoing sin? This booklet addresses this issue.

Psalm19 Psalm19
This familiar Psalm actually has a surprising meaning when looked at in context.
Psalm 23 Psalm 23
This booklet is a fresh look at Psalm 23, probably the most well-known Psalm.
Philantropist God, the First Philanthropist
The thought of God being the first philanthropist is the idea that shapes this short read.
OnePlan One Plan | One Savior | One People
The Scriptures point to a singular purpose of God and that is to redeem a people for Himself through His Son. Together Old Testament Israel and the New Testament church form the one people of God.
Bema Bema
This short tract celebrates the "Bema Seat Judgment," a time of unprecedented joy for the believer as we for the first time see all that Christ did in us and through us to those around us.

Reflections on Books of the Bible

These booklets serve as commentaries and/or devotionals on various books of the Bible.

Colossians Colossians
A paragraph by paragraph understanding of Paul's presentation of "Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory."
Titus Titus
Paul's primary premise in this letter to Titus is that the Jesus Seed always and inevitably produces Gospel Fruit. The appeal is often made for believers to strive toward holiness when holiness is ours in Christ.
Hebrews Hebrews
A chapter by chapter understanding of the author's presentation of Jesus Christ as "Better than . . ."
James James
A paragraph by paragraph understanding of James in his presentation of "The Fruit of Faith"

The Book of Ruth Ruth
The book of Ruth is a record of the preservation of the seed that would one day fulfill the
promise of Gen. 3:15.
Jonah Jonah
A paragraph by paragraph understanding of the book of Jonah.

1 John Booklets

Explore the many various topics found in the books of 1, 2 and 3 John.

1,2,3 John The Letters of John
Pastor John's intent is to calm the people when "wolves in sheep's clothing" worm their way into the church. It is a letter that reminds us that "It's all about Jesus." This booklet is a expository look at 1,2 and 3 John passage by passage.

Explore further the following various topics found in 1 John:

The World
The Trinity
Sin and the Believer
Commandment Keeping
Commandment Keeping
End Times
End Times

Pastor Pen Booklets

Readings covering themes and books of the Bible from a Christ-Exalting, Word-Centered, Grace-Based, Global-Impacting worldview.

Credo Credo
Creeds are short summaries of belief. This booklet begins with the beliefs that put us solidly within Evangelicalism and then moves toward beliefs that specifically describe who we are as a church.
Does It Work? Does It Work?
Find rest in the finished work of Christ, even when the circumstances of life never improve.
The Story in Six Acts The Story in Six Acts
This booklet looks at the overarching biblical Story: God, Creation, Rejection, Redemption,Re-creation,Worship through Joy.
God With Us God With Us
God's desire is for us to dwell in His presence and to enjoy Him forever. Throughout history God's presence has been evident... in the Garden, Temple, Jesus, the Church, and more.

The Hero's Tale The Hero's Tale
Seven readings that challenge the reader to read and understanding Jesus as the centerpiece of the Seed Promise in the Biblical Story.
Understanding the Resurrection Understanding the Resurrection
This short booklet takes a closer look at 1 Corinthians 15 in the hopes of better understanding the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christ Alone Christ Alone
Seven biographical readings from the New Testament that visualize the work of grace through the people of God.
The Deception of Doing The Deception of Doing
Eight readings that highlight the deception that there is something we need to "do" to earn God's favor.

Jesus is Enough Jesus is Enough
Readings on the Greatness of God; a study of His attributes.
Roots: Biblical Prayers and Creeds Roots: Prayers and Creeds
A reflection on the prayers in the Bible and the creeds of the early church.
Quarrels about the Law Quarrels about the Law
This booklet looks at the proper use of "The Law" as taught by Paul in Titus 3:9-11
Sovereignty The Sovereignty of God
The intent of this study is to call us to trust God because He is sovereign. Thus, we can rest in Him, we can trust Him, and we can lean into Him knowing He is and will guide our paths.

Worship Worship
Eight readings focusing on worship in particular and musical style in general.
Missions Missions
Readings celebrating the work of God in and through local churches.
Relationships Personal Relationships
Take a look at relational qualities that Christ produces in a grace-filled person: humility, teachability, liberty, simplicity, honesty, integrity, purity, charity.
GospelFruit Five Gospel Fruits
What place do the Spiritual Disciplines have in the life of the believer? See what the book of Luke says about church, scripture, prayer, generosity, and mission.

Strengthened by Grace Strengthened By Grace
Nine readings that find, celebrate and declare that Jesus Christ is enough for hope, healing, and wholeness in this life and in the life to come.
Waiting for His Arrival Waiting for His Arrival
Take note of shadows throughout the Old Testament all pointing to the arrival of the seed promised from
the time of Adam and Eve.
Reflecting on His Work Reflecting on His Work
This Lent devotional reflects on the work of Jesus Christ in the crucifixion and resurrection.
Come And Dine Come And Dine
The biblical story is of our Long
Journey Home. Home to the "Garden" where we dwell with God. God has prepared everything. All we need to do is come and dine.

Sermon Manuscript Booklets

Expand your study through the full manuscript for a number of sermon series.

When Winter Comes When Winter Comes
Look to Christ when all hope is lost.
Joining Jesus in the Wilderness Joining Jesus in the Wilderness
The wilderness is not for us to see how strong we are, but for us to see how strong He is.
When Victory Seems Lost When Victory Seems Lost
Finding Freedom at the foot of the cross.
Citizens of Another Country Citizens of another country
When God Breaks the penalty against sin, He also breaks the power of sin.

Reigning Grace and the Marriage Relationship Reigning Grace and the Marriage Relationship
Six studies on positional truth designed to assist and strengthen all relationships.
Reigning Grace and Moral Purity Reigning Grace and Moral Purity
Examine more closely the Biblical call to moral purity as the outworking of the cross-work of Christ.
Galatians Galatians
Paragraph by paragraph outlines and helpful study guide questions for the
Book of Galatians.
Ephesians Ephesians
Paragraph by paragraph outlines and helpful study guide questions for the
Book of Ephesians.

Copyright © 2025 Patrick J. Griffiths
All material on this site, including all information, pictures, graphics, interfaces, audio, and text, as well as the organization and layout of the site, are the property of Patrick J. Griffiths and are protected by copyright laws. Material from this site may be reproduced and distributed if proper credit is attributed to the author. Under no circumstances should anyone claim any of the site's content as one's own work.

Copyright © 2025 Patrick J. Griffiths
All material on this site, including all information, pictures, graphics, interfaces, audio, and text, as well as the organization and layout of the site, are the property of Patrick J. Griffiths and are protected by copyright laws. Material from this site may be reproduced and distributed if proper credit is attributed to the author. Under no circumstances should anyone claim any of the site's content as one's own work.

Those who trust in the completed work of JESUS, enjoy the forgiveness of sin,unrestraint access to God, and the freedom that can only be found in Him.
Torn Veil Publications seeks to celebrate this truth and to spread this message to others through the written and spoken word.

What follows are the writings of
Pastor Patrick Griffiths, unless otherwise indicated. 

Grace Series

Reigning GraceThe Reign of Grace and the Story of God
Reigning Grace sets forth the foundation for resting in the person of Jesus Christ and the completed work of His cross. This collection of studies seek to rectify the greatest deficiency in the Christian life, the failure to understand all that Christ is for us and all that we are in Him.

Christ Has Set Us FreeChrist Has Set Us Free - Nine Words Every Christian Should Know
Study the great themes of redemption, forgiveness, propitiation, justification, guilt, imputation, reconciliation and adoption. Because of these truths, Christians are free - truly free!

Why Jesus Matters Series

Small tract-size booklets on a variety of themes regarding the Christian Life.

The Torn Veil The Torn Veil
This short tract explains the glorious truth of the temple curtain tearing from top to bottom as Jesus died on the cross.
The Empty Tomb The Empty Tomb
Resurrection . . . one word and everything changes. In this one word, God reinstates hope. This booklet explores the depths of this important topic.
Who Am I? Who Am I?
This short tract celebrates who we are in Christ according to Romans 8.
Personal Sin Personal Sin
We are forgiven forever in Christ, yet what are we to make of our ongoing sin? This booklet addresses this issue.
Psalm19 Psalm19
This familiar Psalm actually has a surprising meaning when looked at in context.
Psalm 23 Psalm 23
This booklet is a fresh look at Psalm 23, probably the most well-known Psalm.
Philantropist God, the First Philanthropist
The thought of God being the first philanthropist is the idea that shapes this short read.
OnePlan One Plan | One Savior | One People
The Scriptures point to a singular purpose of God and that is to redeem a people for Himself through His Son. Together Old Testament Israel and the New Testament church form the one people of God.
Bema Bema
This short tract celebrates the "Bema Seat Judgment," a time of unprecedented joy for the believer as we for the first time see all that Christ did in us and through us to those around us.

Reflections on
Books of the Bible

These booklets serve as commentaries and/or devotionals on various books of the Bible.

Colossians Colossians
A paragraph by paragraph understanding of Paul's presentation of "Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory."
Titus Titus
Paul's primary premise in this letter to Titus is that the Jesus Seed always and inevitably produces Gospel Fruit. The appeal is often made for believers to strive toward holiness when holiness is ours in Christ.
Hebrews Hebrews
A chapter by chapter understanding of the author's presentation of Jesus Christ as "Better than . . ."
James James
A paragraph by paragraph understanding of James in his presentation of "The Fruit of Faith"
The Book of Ruth Ruth
The book of Ruth is a record of the preservation of the seed that would one day fulfill the
promise of Gen. 3:15.
Jonah Jonah
A paragraph by paragraph understanding of the book of Jonah.

1 John Booklets

Explore the many various topics found in the books of 1, 2 and 3 John.

1,2,3 John The Letters of John
Pastor John's intent is to calm the people when "wolves in sheep's clothing" worm their way into the church. It is a letter that reminds us that "It's all about Jesus." This booklet is a expository look at 1,2 and 3 John passage by passage.

Explore further the following various topics found in 1 John:

The World
Commandment Keeping
End Times
End Times

Pastor Pen Booklets

Readings covering themes and books of the Bible from a Christ-Exalting, Word-Centered, Grace-Based, Global-Impacting worldview.

Credo Credo
Creeds are short summaries of belief. This booklet begins with the beliefs that put us solidly within Evangelicalism and then moves toward beliefs that specifically describe who we are as a church.
Does It Work? Does It Work?
Find rest in the finished work of Christ, even when the circumstances of life never improve.
The Story in Six Acts The Story in Six Acts
This booklet looks at the overarching biblical Story: God, Creation, Rejection, Redemption,Re-creation,Worship through Joy.
God With Us God With Us
God's desire is for us to dwell in His presence and to enjoy Him forever. Throughout history God's presence has been evident... in the Garden, Temple, Jesus, the Church, and more.
The Hero's Tale The Hero's Tale
Seven readings that challenge the reader to read and understanding Jesus as the centerpiece of the Seed Promise in the Biblical Story.
Understanding the Resurrection Understanding the Resurrection
This short booklet takes a closer look at 1 Corinthians 15 in the hopes of better understanding the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christ Alone Christ Alone
Seven biographical readings from the New Testament that visualize the work of grace through the people of God.
The Deception of Doing The Deception of Doing
Eight readings that highlight the deception that there is something we need to "do" to earn God's favor.
Jesus is Enough Jesus is Enough
Readings on the Greatness of God; a study of His attributes.
Roots: Biblical Prayers and Creeds Roots: Prayers and Creeds
A reflection on the prayers in the Bible and the creeds of the early church.
Quarrels about the Law Quarrels about the Law
This booklet looks at the proper use of "The Law" as taught by Paul in Titus 3:9-11
Sovereignty The Sovereignty of God
The intent of this study is to call us to trust God because He is sovereign. Thus, we can rest in Him, we can trust Him, and we can lean into Him knowing He is and will guide our paths.
Strengthened by Grace Strengthened By Grace
Nine readings that find, celebrate and declare that Jesus Christ is enough for hope, healing, and wholeness in this life and in the life to come.
Worship Worship
Eight readings focusing on worship in particular and musical style in general.
Missions Missions
Readings celebrating the work of God in and through local churches.
Relationships Personal Relationships
Take a look at relational qualities that Christ produces in a grace-filled person: humility, teachability, liberty, simplicity, honesty, integrity, purity, charity.
GospelFruit Five Gospel Fruits
What place do the Spiritual Disciplines have in the life of the believer? See what the book of Luke says about church, scripture, prayer, generosity, and mission.
Waiting for His Arrival Waiting for His Arrival
Take note of shadows throughout the Old Testament all pointing to the arrival of the seed promised from
the time of Adam and Eve.
Reflecting on His Work Reflecting on His Work
This Lent devotional reflects on the work of Jesus Christ in the crucifixion and resurrection.
Come And Dine Come And Dine
The biblical story is of our Long
Journey Home. Home to the "Garden" where we dwell with God. God has prepared everything. All we need to do is come and dine.

Sermon Manuscript Booklets

Expand your study through the full manuscript for a number of sermon series.

When Winter Comes When Winter Comes
Look to Christ when all hope is lost.
Joining Jesus in the Wilderness Joining Jesus in the Wilderness
The wilderness is not for us to see how strong we are, but for us to see how strong He is.
When Victory Seems Lost When Victory Seems Lost
Finding Freedom at the foot of the cross.
Citizens of Another Country Citizens of another country
When God Breaks the penalty against sin, He also breaks the power of sin.
Reigning Grace and the Marriage Relationship Reigning Grace and the Marriage Relationship
Six studies on positional truth designed to assist and strengthen all relationships.
Reigning Grace and Moral Purity Reigning Grace and Moral Purity
Examine more closely the Biblical call to moral purity as the outworking of the cross-work of Christ.
Galatians Galatians
Paragraph by paragraph outlines and helpful study guide questions for the
Book of Galatians.
Ephesians Ephesians
Paragraph by paragraph outlines and helpful study guide questions for the
Book of Ephesians.

Copyright © 2025 Patrick J. Griffiths
All material on this site, including all information, pictures, graphics, interfaces, audio, and text, as well as the organization and layout of the site, are the property of Patrick J. Griffiths and are protected by copyright laws. Material from this site may be reproduced and distributed if proper credit is attributed to the author. Under no circumstances should anyone claim any of the site's content as one's own work.

Copyright © 2025 Patrick J. Griffiths
All material on this site, including all information, pictures, graphics, interfaces, audio, and text, as well as the organization and layout of the site, are the property of Patrick J. Griffiths and are protected by copyright laws. Material from this site may be reproduced and distributed if proper credit is attributed to the author. Under no circumstances should anyone claim any of the site's content as one's own work.